Auf Grund der aktuellen Ereignisse fällt diese Veranstaltung leider aus! Due to the current events, this event is unfortunately canceled!
Foto ©
Petri Tuhkanen
”Hallo Hamburg, this is RadioLove, you are listening to a live broadcast…”
RadioLove is awake while you are asleep. RadioLove plays what you dream of.
RadioLove brings to your mind the verse you cannot understand. RadioLove states things differently. RadioLove stays where others have left. It is true, it is love, it is the sound you can escape only by calling us to the live radio transmission.
RadioLove by theatre Jalostamo2 is a hour-long live radio show that combines Fassbinder, Kaurismäki and Lynch. An absurd stage show where dreams become images, reality meets radio ether and excess takes over the control of homo sapiens. The themes of the evening are loneliness, otherness and love. RadioLove answers to your questions and makes you visible. On stage besides the two Finnish actors there will be a local guest star each evening.
Language: German | Finnish | English
Concept / Director: Anna Lipponen
On Stage: Tuomas Kiiliäinen, Anna Lipponen, a local studio guest
Dramaturgy: Katja von der Ropp
Sound Design: Olaf Giesbrecht
Stage / Graphic Design: Petri Tuhkanen
Production: Jalostamo2, Anna Lipponen, Jaakko Lenni-Taattola
23. Mai 2020
24. Mai 2020 - 18:00
12 | 15 €