Sarah Bleasdale - Fran Hales | Hinako Matsumoto - Daleya Marohn | Telmo Branco
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Triple Bill
Sarah Bleasdale | Hinako Matsumoto | Telmo Branco
3 Selected Artists present new work in LAKE Studios new Triple Bill Performance Series on 2 nights.
SMIRK | Choreography, Performance: Sarah Bleasdale
SMIRK shines a spotlight on a multi-faceted cathartic conversation one woman experiences. SMIRK uses intricate, isolated looping pathways to explore the layers of desire, conformity, rules and emotions that come into play when one attempts a sexual identity today. It hints at a potential juxtaposition between personal, private desire, and the stereotype of the public face of our sexuality. What happens when we attempt to sift through the contradictions within these layers?
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ON WIRES | Concept, choreography, direction: Telmo Branco
On wires inspires itself on the romantic period (XVIII – XIX), an artistic reactionary movement against industrialization where artists turned their backs on technological progress and sought for refugee within themselves and their own individual and emotional expression. By withdrawing from the world of artifices they submerged into the realms of Nature, the intangible, the sublime.
On wires tries to locate the romantic residue still present today but instead of rejecting and moving against technological progress and its impact on the individual and its culture, will cope with it, fuse with it in order to establish a bridge with its own time. With a romantic motif, a tragicomic format and the aid of several electronic devices, On Wires will confront pastoral/folkloric culture with mass culture, individual exaltation from a romantic and a technological perspective and the ability/disability for interconnections.
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TIDES | Concept, Direction: Hinako Matsumoto
Performer: Hinako Matsumoto, Daleya Marohn
Laugh. Play. Speak. Talk. Hard times. Keep up. Can't breathe. Drowning. Left alone. Drained out. Laugh. Play. Speak. Talk. You are loved. Believe. You are loved. Believe.
'Tides' is an act of courage to embrace the uncertainties and fear in our every day lives. Understanding what it takes to have a courage: acceptance, trust, belief, faith and sincerity
9. Feb. 2018
Lake Studios Berlin