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The Sky Doesn't Have Any BOUNDARIES
Borderline-europe invites you to an exquisite evening of a play, curated music and a documentary film. The works serve to highlight the varied experience of immigrating and emigrating and what triggers this stressful process. The event is in English, but some parts will also be in French, German and Romanian.
The Sun Never Sets On An Empty Stomach
This is a play that explores different stories of fight or flight, flee or stay, live or die, or love, laughter and skullduggery. Each of the 49 stories on show is centred around voluntary or forced movement across borders.
There is a game of Dodgeball too! Imagine that?!
So, join us on our eventful journey, exploring concepts of personality, gender identity and nationality in the vastness of the moon, the stars and the bountiful sky!
The Demilitarisation of the Korean Peninsula by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces:
Another long title! Well, this is a light-footed documentary film about the experience of being an Immigrant, as shared by the scrupulous cast and the camera-shy crew of the project.
Cast & Crew:
with: Salber Williams, Roxana Hetrea & Celine Norris featuring Iriea Chi & Elijah Elpenor
poster art: Sofie Alten von Engstromart
direction: Katherine Sultan
production: Sara Bellezza and Frauke Werner, on behalf of borderline-europe
written, directed, photographed & edited by Ncube
30. März 2019
GlogauAir Art