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Dragana Bulut


Dragana Bulut


What is the future of love? In her new HAU co-production Dragana Bulut explores the commodification of love. Together with the companion robot Harmony, the two performers host the audience at the choreographic speed dating performance for a world in a crisis of intimacy. Through alternating between dating and performative scenarios, they explore the dilemmas of connection: How do dating platforms, relationships mediated by algorithms and love robots change the way we fall in love? If love needs reciprocity, can technology provide it? Or what might we scavenge from its failures? “Beyond Love” is the third part in Dragana Bulut’s trilogy probing the way the emotional spheres are choreographed by the forces of market commodification and technology. After “Behind Fear” and “Happyology – Tears of Joy”, it deals with love in the current third part.

Concept, artistic direction, choreography, and performance: Dragana Bulut
By and with: Caroline Neill Alexander

Dramaturgy: Andrew Hardwidge
Music and Sound Design: Evelyn Saylor
Lighting Design: Fabian Bleich
Stage Design: Jonas Maria Droste, Dragana Bulut

Costume design: Melisa Minca
Research specialists: Dr. Yuefang Shou, Kate Devlin, Heinrich Mellmann
Production Management: Chris Wohlrab (TATWERK)
Assistance: Beatrice Zanesco
Teasers: Mate Ugrin
Press: Nora Gores
Thanks to: Bojana Cvejic, Florian Malzacher, Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte

Production: Dragana Bulut. Co-production: HAU - Hebbel am Ufer. The realisation of the project has been made possible by the support form Capital Cultural Fond. Cooperation with  TATWERK Performative Forschung. Supported by PhD research Oslo National Academy of the Arts and Realbotix. The research phase was co-produced by PACT Zollverein Essen.

8. Feb. 2023


09. Februar 19:30
10. | 11. Februar 18:00 | 21:00


17€ | 9€


Tempelhofer Ufer 10 | 10963 Berlin

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von

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