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Tsumugi Komiyama


Takayoshi Tsuchida | Aika Tsuchida | Keisuke Sugawara

Inspiriert von "tears of the blue eyes doll". Vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg schenkte ein Land 1927 den japanischen Kindern eine Puppe "Mildred" für guten Willen. Es gibt etwa 7,5 Milliarden Menschen auf der Welt, es kann schwierig sein, alles zu harmonisieren. Zarte und starke Fäden laufen herum. Obwohl der Wohnraum anders ist, ist die Lebenszeit gleich.


We got inspiration from "tears of the blue eyes doll". Before World War II, in 1927 a country gifted a doll ”Mildred” to Japanese children for goodwill. - How the dolls appears in the ”eyes” of a human or how a human appear in the "eyes" of dolls In any age, our thinking and acting depends on personal character and personality. There are about 7.5 billion people in the world, it may be difficult to harmonize everything. Just there, delicate and strong threads are running around. Even though the living space is different, the living time is the same. So, we want to seek human connections beyond fence, then we would like to live "soft and strong" like ”Mildred”.


Mit: Aya Nakagawa, Sakura Inoue, Nele Handtke, Keisuke Sugawara, Aika Tsuchida, Takayoshi Tsuchida (NEphRiTE dance unit)

5. Okt. 2018



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