Bernd Kumar_multicultural city

Rainer Werner Fassbinder | Regie: Monika Dobrowlańska Fear eats the soul | TraNET-Festival – Clashing Classics

“Never again is now” – A provocative satire based on Fassbinder’s masterpiece, which unabashedly addresses the socially acceptable forms of racism.

Anyone who has studied German history knows exactly what this sentence means. And yet we are closer than ever to the danger of 1933.
In this biting satire, a mirror is held up to society, revealing current social trends.

She: over 60, a widow of German descent, he: 20 years younger, a Moroccan, speaks broken German. A relationship that caused a scandal in Germany in the 1970s and that could still play out very similarly today, 50 years later. Even before their wedding, the relationship is met with great resentment from their own children, colleagues, salespeople and neighbours: Anger, hatred, blasphemy. The couple face many challenges that Germans without a history of migration are not familiar with.
With sharp wit and ironic twists, the audience is challenged to reflect on their own prejudices and stereotypes.

An important decision by the director was to stage the play with actors who are themselves labour migrants from various countries such as Chile, Spain, Morocco, the USA, Austria, etc. and to use them to find an approach to an episode of labour migration in the 1970s. In this way, current social issues are linked with historical experiences.

The production is part of the TraNET festival “Clashing Classics”, initiated by the theatre group multicultural city e.V..

TraNET Festival – Clashing Classics
Three cities, three theatres and three unforgettable productions, linked by a single festival that brings Europe together! CLASHING CLASSICS is a celebration of Europe’s shared cultural heritage and a glimpse into a possible future of live performance. To the festival programme:

multicultural city, Berlin
One of the main focuses of the theatre group multicultural city e.V. from Berlin is the development of experimental theatre forms that result from the encounter of different cultures. Artists from all over the world are given the opportunity to work together.

Monika Dobrowlanska is an acting and opera director, author, acting and university lecturer for theatre, Prix-Tournesol prizewinner at the Festival d’Avignon 2017. She sees herself as a European director and successfully combines different theatre traditions in her productions.

Production: Monika Dobrowlanska
Yukihiro Ikutani
Helmuth Höger, Elena Louro, Alex Lee, Julia Vandehof, Maik Dehnelt, Rim Mekkaoui, Berfin Akkuzu, Yavuz Akkuzu, Mika Bücking
Performance rights:
Verlag der Autoren GmbH & Co KG
Accompanying exhibition:
Yukihiro Ikutani, on loan from the Marienfelde Refugee Centre


  • Thursday, 27. February 2025 – 07:30 PM
  • Friday, 28. February 2025 – 11:00 AM
  • Saturday, 01. March 2025 – 07:30 PM
  • Sunday, 02. February 2025 – 03:00 PM


Theater im Delphi

Gustav-Adolf-Str. 2 | 13086 Berlin

Theater im Delphi